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gi2t AI-Ops 

gi2t Labs AI-Ops platform for Realtime Big Data DB,  accommodate  our 10+ years experience at Machine Learning, NLP, CV and Deep Learning ,  AI-Ops has covered AI Offline Platform (a comprehensive modeling platform) and AI Online Serving (an online AI service system). Both are engines of device-to-device big data AI for seamless connections of offline systems. the AI-Ops deals with big data all the time to support the search, repository, and recommendation from the AI / DL engine

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gi2t Distributed Enterprise with Cloud Native Platform + Data Fabric + Autonomic Systems 

Using groundbreaking perception-enabled DL framework, the gi2t DataOps is a fully DL enabled  engine to learn your algorithm in its highest precision and efficiency. 


The algorithms are becoming more and more diverse. In addition to the standard Deep Neural Networks (DNN) model, technologies, such as a graph-sound-based network, reinforcement learning, and tree-based deep learning, have also been widely used in our business.


gi2t Labs built a algorithm platform allows algorithm solutions to be quickly replicated and migrated between different scenarios. Based on the core training engine and estimation engine, the platform uses high-dimensional and sparse scenarios in search, recommendation, and activity for in-depth scenario optimization. 

gi2t AI-Ops API

AI-Ops provide an API for AI technologies of language processing, speech synthesis and contextual understanding, with further industrialize version to Healthcare, Retail and E-Commerce, Professional Service, etc.


Keeping your cloud secure is a constantly evolving challenge that legacy security tools are not equipped to address. our approaches cloud security holistically, with solutions that combine visibility, protection and a comprehensive range of services.


Real time processing deals with streams of data that are captured in real-time and processed with minimal latency to generate real-time (or near-real-time) reports or automated responses. 

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